Michael Jones Mckean creates a rainbow making machine

Posted 1/19/2011 by 8Track Honey in Labels: , , , , , , , , , , ,
" Proposal for Certain Principles of Light and Shapes Between Forms (2009)

A small prismatic rainbow, about 80 feet wide and 30 feet tall arching over my studio building in Richmond, Virginia, USA made using sunlight and water supplied by a series of pumps, hoses and nozzles.  The rainbow used 80 gallons on water recaptured and continuously re-circulated by way of the buildings water/gutter system.

Virginia based artist and professor Michael Jones Mckean  has created a machine that can produce rainbows up to two stories high. The contemporary mixed media scientist will be displaying his labor of 8 years with an installation at the Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts that will beam two rainbows a day from the roof of the center in 15 minute periods.
The art vs. science debate is a pretty common one, I personally believe that science is an art, and scientists create works that transcend classical masterpieces while making innovations in modern technology. Contemporary art and science definitely intertwine in many ways. If anything, we can all agree that "Proposal for Certain Principles of Light and Shapes Between Forms" is absolutely beautiful, and green, the machine runs only on solar power and collected rain water.

Find this and  more cool gadgets here.

"Art is the stored honey of the human soul, gathered on wings of misery and travail."

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