Page Six News: Has Change Really Come To America???

Posted 2/19/2009 by DJ NY in Labels: , ,
Yesterday, in The New York Post, the "cartoon" above was shown on page six, causing many Americans to feel disgusted and outraged. This was a reference to the chimpanzee who was killed by Connecticut police, after a friend of the chimpanzee's owner was attacked. However, it is also a reference to our commander-in-chief, President Barack Obama. Does the press have to stoop this low to call our leader a chimpanzee, to get people to read what they call news? The New York Post could not be more unprofessional, and unpatriotic for that matter. Our president should not be depicted in any such way- EVER. We have overcome the times of Jim Crow, and it makes no sense that in 2009, people have the mentality to think that this is a laughing matter. I am ashamed to say that this is not the first time it has happened (The New Yorker, July 21, 2008) and will not be the last. It just goes to show you why The New York Post is behind The New York Times and The Daily News in the number of readers, and I am sure that this "cartoon" did not help any.

5 comment(s) to... “Page Six News: Has Change Really Come To America???”


Lizzie & Levi said...
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Lizzie & Levi said...

I'm pretty sure references like this one were made, on the daily, about our former president. Does it only become offensive and disrespectful when the subject of the insult is someone you personally like? It just doesn’t seem as if this is defensive of the position of commander-in-chief, but rather of the particular politician in office. Not that I agree with the cartoon, but that’s freedom of the press for ya’… just like it has been for (at least) the past 4-8 years, and will continue to be for every presidential term here and after.

DJ NY said...

are black people chimpanzees? ...does our president deserve to be depicted as one (being shot)? Last time I checked the answer was NO.

Lizzie & Levi said...

As I said, I don't agree with the cartoon at all. And I also held the optimism (in spite that it is a horrible cartoon) that it wasn't a stab at race. Though it would be naive to say that racism is dead, I hold the hope of the Obama generation that is dying. I was simply addressing that no one; black, white, or otherwise, in the oval office should be disrespected so blatantly, and reduced to the image of an assaulted zoo animal. Also, that though it isn’t any better now than before, offensive images like this existed and prevalently, before this term in office. So, “are black people chimpanzees? ...does our president deserve to be depicted as one (being shot)?” Of course the answer is NO. A resounding NO. And never did I allude to the fact that that should ever be tolerated. I was only addressing that this type insult has been wrongly tolerated before, and it is interesting that it’s only being addressed now, maybe because the previous president was so disliked.

DJ NY said...

i agree 100%

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