my olympic heroes: part 4 - pass the torch

Posted 8/24/2008 by coelder in Labels: , , , , , , , , ,

china-brittain 2012 copy

i am completely speechless from the closing ceremonies.  how could you not be entranced by the choreography of hundreds of people not only to utilize their movement but also their costumes and the structures built in a matter of hours.  then there's another component of choreography that only the chinese could do this well.  from the countdown with simple bottle rockets to incredibly timed showering mortars, there is little that can be said.  i'm going to completely ignore the "theme" of this olympics, "beijing, beijing, oh i love beijing," catchy... kinda but how about the wide array of drummers? the beginning had 6 or 7 year old stick handlers (don't try to verify their age with the chinese government...) and then a couple chic 20 somethings going at it.  and ... jackie chan!!!! i'm going to agree with nbc's chris collinsworth and say that it will be a long time until we see another host nation that takes so much pride in their athletes, venues, and performances as china did. well done china.

all and all a wonderful, rather controversy free olympics (ignoring the whole age thing). china dominated the golds, the u.s. won the total medal count, and jamaica defined themselves as the premier sprinting nation. and now, what's next?  well since there was a david beckham kick and london's mayor waving a flag, i guess that means we will be doing this in the uk this time 4 years from now.  will they have the guards in hats dancing. correct answer: yes. 

in london, i look forward to the records being broken, parents crying for the success of the children, the chills of unfolding stories and the passion of patriotism that comes from host countries and the athletes that play for their nations.  as for this glorious event that will be back quicker than we say, "how many medals did phelps win?" we close this fairy tale and say goodbye.  thank you to all the athletes, coaches, volunteers, referees, anounchers, and fans.  cheers.

1 comment(s) to... “my olympic heroes: part 4 - pass the torch”


Heather Petri said...

Thank you for your Olympic stories....even as an athlete I get caught up in awe of the inspiring moments happening every four years. :) I love the Olympics! Can't wait until London.

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