Girl Talk's New CD "Feed The Animals" Review and Download
Posted 6/19/2008 by smartblackboy in Labels: cd review, download, feed the animals, girl talk, illegal art, Lil Wayne, music, smartblackboyWe have been waiting for months for the newest Girl Talk CD "Feed The Animals" which was released today on the Illegal Art website.
For those who don't know the Album is available for free but you are invited to pay what you wish and get more stuff at the $5 and $10 margins.
Even if you download the album here please go the site and give some money because Girl Talk, aka Greg Gillis, is awesome.
This CD is not Night Ripper. It is a calmer more musically intense version of Night Ripper.
For me, Night Ripper was all about the first 7 tracks and maybe the last two - those were some of the most transformative music I have ever heard.
Feed The Animals just builds and builds and builds.
It really starts to take off six tracks in at "No Pause".
Then it reaches new levels on the track "In Step"
After that Feed The Animals laps to its joyful finish full of fun, joyful, dance, musical, genius.
What Girl Talk does for the song "Lollipop" in the last track should answer any questions people might have about the use of sampling - as ubiquitous as Lollipop is this is the only track I have heard that transforms it into something utterly different (and perhaps greater) than a Lil Wayne song.
Overall this is in my top 5 albums of 2008, and is pound for pound better than Night Ripper.
Seriously keep this CD on repeat all weekend; it will take a while to soak in.
Girl Talk we salute you.
1 comment(s) to... “Girl Talk's New CD "Feed The Animals" Review and Download”
Note that at 1:17 during track three ("Still Here") GG juxtaposes the chorus of Blackstreet's "No Diggity" with the first few clickity-funk bars of Radiohead's "15 Step"; it's not only an ill-as-shit breakdown, but also Gillis' tip of the hat to Yorke and co.'s pioneering pay-what-you-like 'net distribution of "In Rainbows".
I like the way ya' workin', Greg.
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