Valentine's Day is not just for lovers (Playlist)
Posted 1/22/2011 by Cora in Labels: astruso., music, playlist, unrequited love, valentine's day
Well, well, well, another Valentines Day is on its way. For many, this day is about love (obviously), passion, and lots and lots of red, and hearts, and stuffed animals that sing in a disquieting fashion. However, for those of us who do not have that special someone, it can also serve as a painful reminder or our afflicting loneliness (not really). How many Valentines Days is one supposed to spend alone, only wishing the person they’re crazy about will notice them? Everyone goes about it in a different manner; some buy themselves a giant box of delectably fattening assorted chocolates, others, a gallon of ice cream, as they spend a romantic evening between themselves and about 6,000 calories, but for those of us afraid of developing heart disease, we simply turn on some comforting tunes which empathize with our dilemma. Here are some of my favorite tracks.

Weezer- El Scorcho
This is the ultimate, I'm too shy to tell you how I feel song.
We all love Weezer, and who doesn't love that hilariously cute line, "I'll bring home the turkey if you bring home the bacon. "
The Beatles- You've Got to Hide Your Love Away
Personally, I think The Beatles were masters of songs having to do with love, unrequited love, a lack of a relationship etc.
It's much easier to "hide your love away" than look foolish for having those certain feelings, and these lovely men certainly captured that logic.
Ra Ra Riot- Can You Tell
"Oh have I been too discreet? How long am I supposed to wait?"
This track portrays that, I'm really into you, but I get nervous whenever you're around, and because of it, I'm getting nowhere feeling.
Bob Marley- Waiting in Vain
From the man himself, to you, "I don't want to wait in vain for your love." No one enjoys waiting, especially when it's waiting for the love of a particular person. "So don't treat me like a puppet on a string."
Fitz & The Tantrums- We Don't Need No Love Songs
What better way to portray heartache than through soul? Because "everybody's been through love in vain," and it's comforting to know that we're not the only one feeling this pathetic.
Derek and The Dominos- Layla
"[Insert name here], you got me on my knees."
This song was actually inspired by Clapton's unrequited love for his friend's (George Harrison) wife, which later became his own wife. Mmmmm.
"I have no idea, what to say, when I'm talking to you."
We often get nervous when talking to that one person and don't know what to say, and often even ruin the conversation with idiot comments.
I like how they join the frustration of waiting with a catchy tune you can dance to in your seat, while, of course, waiting.
(Track not available)
Of Montreal- Baby
(Track not available)
I have love-love-loved Sinatra from an early age. Why? because, "I get a kick every time I see you standing there, before me. I get a kick, though it's clear to see, you obviously do not adore me."
If you knew me, you would know that I often serenade my friends, with his songs, and my, "Sinatra voice."
"And it sucks when you find someone, but they don't find you."
Yes, another track, because they're great... This particular song sounds as though it would be playing in a sad scene off of one of the Toy Story movies...

Now, for the cherry on top:
"And even though my feelings aren't returned, and in time, I won't think about you this way. That still doesn't stop me just for now, wishing we're each other's baby... I don't know if it was chance or if this happened by fate. I don't expect you to feel the same, but if you did, well that would be great."
This track is off their first album and it is, without a doubt, the most endearing album ever.
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