megaman, i feel your pain
Posted 9/16/2008 by coelder in Labels: japan, mega man, nintendo, PicturesqueMusiq, sylvia, video, video gamesgranted, i don't usually post about anything japanese or video game related, but i saw this and instantly felt the need to share. it's not the many street fighter references at the beginning or the general absurd nature of the 2 minute street walking scene (what incredible music), instead it is the poor, helpless mega man that gets hosed by nintendo adventure after nintendo adventure (5:30 and after). a must see but make sure you watch until the mario castle/flag jump fiasco with mega man. comedy gold. anybody have any idea who sylvia is? that bitch got spunk.
ps... what was going with mega man and sylvia on that aerial high five? can i get a hand check?
also, mega man is coming to the wii and has a pretty sweet press kit to go with it. yes i am a dork for saying a press kit is sweet but check it. is that an old school cartridge?
no! it's a handy dandy holder for your music and random software. word.
Whats that music called that plays mainly during megamans bit >( i cant remember for the life of me from what game that is
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