The Masquerade: Hello Lover

Posted 2/12/2008 by Cora in Labels: , , , , , ,

“Sex Rock,” is what front man, Rob Dunlap calls Hello Lover. When I asked these gentlemen who some of their major influences were, one replied, “It’s hard to say, because we all like different music.”
“Rob likes The Smiths; he’s a big fan of Morrissey,” said drummer Joe Hardy.

When I told them the song Incredible Relief reminds me of the theme song for the television show Charmed. Rob replied, “Oh, that’s actually a cover of a song by The Smiths.”

When I asked how they came to play this event, they all said, “Nomad Arts with Tom Curry.” Nomad Arts is a full service event design and planning firm.
Hello Lover has taken the stage with Vanilla Ice, The Riverboat Gamblers, The Bellrays, and the Architects. It’s amazing how we never hear about these artists, even when they play with Vanilla Ice, and the Bellrays.

While onstage, you can tell these guys take their music seriously, yet still have fun. And who else may have been having fun? The lovely ladies dancing to their favorite Hello Lover tracks, as they performed.

Hello Lover did not fail to mention their latest album, Mix Tape, was released this past year, so you guys should definitely check it out. They also released a video for the track, Start Again. The guitar sounds magical and a bit more modern, as apposed to their usual 90’s Rock sound.

Not only are these guys artists, but they also own their own record label called, Urban Camper Records. However, they do not work with any other artist on the label. “It’s just us.” Hello Lover has performed at Trees, the Loft, the Palladium and even the House of Blues so you will probably catch them playing at one of those locations, or maybe any other local venue. One place you’re sure to catch them will be in Kansas City. That’s right, they’re going on a mini tour in March, so be on the lookout for these four, because they’re doing it big.

"Can we get a picture with her?"

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