my olympic heroes: part 1 - battle. believe. breathe

Posted 8/21/2008 by coelder in Labels: , , , , , , ,

the three b's.  thats misty and kerri's coach's mantra throughout their ridiculous year long winning streak with 13 tournament championships and a second gold medal.  the final was by no means flawless but it was walsh and may's ability to not let the net-tipped serves that were fluky, automatic aces, bother them.  they bounced back and kept rolling. gathering inspiration from jason kidd and parents, may-treanor put on a focused and centered performance for the ages.  

even when chinese drama queen, tian, asked for a medical timeout to stop-the-bleeding (clap, clap, clapclapclap) the dynamic duo rallied to finish the final set.  the consistency with which they won set after set throughout the last year on the avp, is something that separates them from all other duos in men's or women's beach.  true inspiration.  i hope to see this partnership stay together for a year or two but retire on top with a legendary record. oh yea and they gave president bush a shout out after the victory.  cheers ladies.

 Kerri Walsh Misty May-Treanor

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